What benefits will we gain from training?
Honor... Just to name a few
At the beginning of class, we recite our Student's Creed...
"I will train with Dedication, Desire, Determination and Discipline. I will give 100% of myself, both mentally and physically, to become the best Karate-Ka I can possibly be. I will dedicate myself to neither winning, nor losing, but rather to the concept of improving my Mind, Body, Spirit and Character."
We will also recite our Karate Creed...
"I come to you with only Karate, my Empty Hands. I have no weapons, but should I be forced to defend my life, my honor or my principles, be it a matter of life or death, of right or wrong, then here are my weapons, Karate, my Empty Hands."
In the first line of the Student's Creed alone, it tells you what benefits we are striving for...Dedication, Desire, Determination and Discipline.
Another benefit of Martial Arts is in the next line of the creed. We will learn how to use our mind and our body in the best way possible.
Learning how to win is important, although today there is far too much emphasis on winning. We are not afraid to learn how to lose. Because losing helps us prepare our mind, body, spirit and character for everyday life. We have a saying in class, "You either win or you learn". The only time we consider ourselves a loser is when we lose an opportunity to get better.
This is our school's motto..."We'll help you learn, what you're capable of achieving".
We won't prepare the pavement for you. We will prepare you to hit the pavement, literally.
The Martial Arts has had great success teaching people of all ages various skills, both physical and mental. Here are some of those skills and benefits of Martial Art's training:
Self-Discipline - Today's kids are so accustomed to receiving instant gratification that lessons in effort and discipline are not always easy to come by. Kids with a Martial Arts background, however, are continually reminded of how essential self-discipline is.
Social Skills - Too many people today lose their social skills because they hide behind their computer screens. Karate helps build social skills because they are forced to interact with partners while learning self defense and other aspects of the Martial Arts.
Physical Activity - Get the kids off the couch and encourage them to be more active. Enrolling an inactive child in the Martial Arts not only discourages a lazy attitude, but also gives them an enjoyable activity that inspires them to keep moving.
Learning to set and achieve goals - Most forms of the Martial Arts are based around an accomplishment system of colored belts that signify the wearer's degree of skill. When your child strives towards each new belt, he's learning valuable lessons about setting and reaching his goals.
Increased Self-Esteem - Confidence comes with achievement, so your child's self-esteem level will get a boost with every new move he masters and every belt he earns. Kids who struggle with a low sense of worth usually become more confident as time progresses while they're enrolled in Martial Arts classes.
Instilling Respect - Learning any style of Martial Arts will require your child to show their instructors and fellow students unflinching respect. Today's culture doesn't always include respect for authority, adults or those in advanced positions. When they go to Karate class, though, your child will be learning lessons in respect along with their new moves.
Encouraging Non-Violent Conflict Resolution - Thinking that Martial Arts instruction promotes violent behavior is justified if your only experience comes from television or the movies. In fact, many styles teach kids peaceful, non-violent conflict resolution skills that emphasize the importance of avoiding physical altercations. "Karate is a defensive art from beginning to end." - Gichin Funakoshi
Improving Listening Skills - In order to master the skills they are being taught and to advance through the belt ranks, your child will have to exercise superior listening skills. Kids who are not always adept when it comes to paying attention can benefit from the verbal instruction and the work accomplished in the Dojo.
Developing Teamwork Skills - Whether they're testing for a new belt, practicing technique or sparring, there are a few things done in class that they will be on their own. Working together to learn new things and accomplish goals is an important life lesson for students to learn and Martial Arts training will help your child learn that lesson.
Improvement in other areas of life - The benefits of Martial Arts training don't end in the dojo. The discipline skills learned through Karate have benefited many of our students. Students have gone to win academic achievement awards, athletic scholarships and more. Many of our students have become teachers, business leaders, doctors and more. Karate is not about fighting, or who you can beat. It's about life, your life, and how you can defeat your own insecurities and fears.