By: Fumio
Demura Sensei
Every martial arts student needs to read this statement from
Fumio Demura Sensei:
"The person you refer to as 'Sensei' is in that position for a
valid reason. It seems today I hear a lot of former students or
ex-black belts disrespecting their Sensei for a myriad of
reasons. In order to better help you understand why a Sensei
deserves, or let me put it a better way, demands your respect
let me lay it out for you.
The Sensei is the one who has dedicated their life to the art
they teach you. You will never have as many years of dedication
in because you came after them.
The Sensei is the one who spent many days and nights opening
their dojo, cleaning it, making it better…for YOU.
The Sensei is the one who has made sacrifices you will never
understand just so you have a place to train, to learn and gain
in your art.
The Sensei is the one who, often at great costs, has given up
their free time, their family time…time they could be out doing
many other things just so you can learn and train.
The Sensei is the one who has invested thousands of dollars in
their own training just to learn how to teach you properly.
The Sensei is the one who has often broken bones, but still
showed up to teach class. Torqued muscles, tendons and had
strains but still showed up to teach class. Had a migraine, was
sick, had a bad day…but still showed up to teach class. All
these things are excuses why you miss class.
The Sensei often goes without so that the dojo and students will
be taken care of. This means they give up having nice things at
times, vacations, going out to dinner, hanging out with friends
and family…all so you can learn Karate.
The Sensei has spent more time in a dojo than most of you that
train with them have been alive.
The Sensei is the one who is always there for your training…
The Sensei quite often sees a need and fills a need for their
students. They see that poor kid who has little of anything and
needs sparring gear and they just go ahead and get it for them.
They see the student who is struggling to come up with funds to
buy their own weapons for Kobudo and just buys extras so they
can participate. They see their adult students losing their jobs
and says “Don’t worry about paying til you’re caught up”. This
is the role the Sensei plays and it demands respect.
I can sit here and think of a thousand more reasons why you
should never, ever disrespect your Sensei too…but, in all
honesty, I shouldn’t have to. I shouldn’t have had to even write
this blog…but, then again, people live in a shallow world these
days. Perhaps we should step out of it, be bigger and better,
and then the world will change.
Respect your Sensei, take care of your Sensei, honor your
Sensei…because, one day, your Sensei will no longer be around."
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