Rising Sun Martial Arts
"Sensei Says"
Says" is our weekly message board
for upcoming events, class cancellations and general messages. Students and
parents should check this page often for any announcements.
RisingSunMA.com is your key to
"Unlimited Possibilities."
- Make RisingSunMA.com part of your phone's
home screen for easier access to information, messages, schedules and more.
- Go to your internet icon (Google, Safari,
etc.) and type in RisingSunMA.com.
- Then with the "Share" button, select "Add to Home Screen".
- Now you're only one touch away from
"Unlimited Possibilities" with RisingSunMA.com
Rising Sun is hosting a 500th quote of the
week contest. Entries are due by Monday, March 17, 2025.
We are adding the following programs to our list of classes
beginning March 31, 2025.
- AM SuperKids: We will now offer a morning SuperKids class
for ages 3-5 Mondays from 10:30-11:00 AM.
Registration is now available here.
- We will once again offer our "World Famous" Birthday
Parties for ages 5 - 14. Information and registration is
available here.
Still have questions?
Contact Rising Sun Martial Arts