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Listed below are the current Kata and Weapon's Kata we are working on for competition.

Please note that the video links are for practice purposes and are done in a very slow manner for you to train with.

Please pause videos repeatedly to watch the techniques.


Shodan Bo – For this Kata we will use down blocks and horizontal strikes for the entire form. Simply follow the form of Taikyoku while executing this Kata.

1.    Turn 90 degrees to the left until the focus is in the west direction (moving only the left leg) - enter a left front stance, execute a left down block.

2.    Maintain focus (west) - travel forward into a right front stance, execute a right Horizontal strike.

3.    Turn 180 degrees to the right until the focus is in the east direction (moving only the right leg) - enter a right front stance, execute a right down block.

4.    Maintain focus (east) - travel forward into a left front stance, execute a left Horizontal Strike.

5.    Turn 90 degrees to the left until the focus is in the north direction (moving only the left leg) - enter a left front stance, execute a left down block.

6.    Maintain focus (north) - travel forward into a right front stance, execute a right Horizontal Strike.

7.    Maintain focus (north) - travel forward into a left front stance, execute a left Horizontal Strike.

8.    Maintain focus (north) - travel forward into a right front stance, execute a right Horizontal Strike. (kiai)

9.    Turn 270 degrees to the left until the focus is in the east direction (moving only the left leg) - enter a left front stance, execute a left down block.

10.    Maintain focus (east) - travel forward into a right front stance, execute a right Horizontal Strike.

11.    Turn 180 degrees to the right until the focus is in the west direction (moving only the right leg) - enter a right front stance, execute a right down block.

12.    Maintain focus (west) - travel forward into a left front stance, execute a left Horizontal Strike.

13.    Turn 90 degrees to the left until the focus is in the south direction (moving only the left leg) - enter a left front stance, execute a left down block.

14.    Maintain focus (south) - travel forward into a right front stance, execute a right Horizontal Strike.

15.    Maintain focus (south) - travel forward into a left front stance, execute a left Horizontal Strike.

16.    Maintain focus (south) - travel forward into a right front stance, execute a right Horizontal Strike. (kiai)

17.    Turn 270 degrees to the left until the focus is in the west direction (moving only the left leg) - enter a left front stance, execute a left down block.

18.    Maintain focus (west) - travel forward into a right front stance, execute a right Horizontal Strike.

19.    Turn 180 degrees to the right until the focus is in the east direction (moving only the right leg) - enter a right front stance, execute a right down block.

20.    Maintain focus (east) - travel forward into a left front stance, execute a left Horizontal Strike.

To return to the attention stance, bring left foot back to right to the attention stance as your focus changes 90° left. Bow. Ready position.


Sandan Bo – This is the first Bo Kata that doesn’t use the Taikyoku pattern. It begins our Intermediate level of Bo Katas.

1.      Focus left. Turn 90 degrees into a left cat stance, execute a left vertical press block.

2.      Maintain focus. Step forward with the right into an attention stance, execute a right down block followed by a left down block.

3.      Focus right. Turn 180 degrees into a right cat stance, execute a right vertical press block.

4.      Maintain focus. Step forward with the left into an attention stance, execute a left down block followed by a right down block.

5.      Focus left. Turn 90 degrees into a left back stance, execute a left middle level block.

6.      Travel forward into a right narrow front stance, execute a right middle level strike.

7.      Focus left, turn 360 degrees into a left side horse stance, execute a left middle level strike.

8.      Travel forward into a right forward stance, execute a right thrust. KIAI

9.      Focus left, turn 180 degrees into a left cat stance, execute a left vertical press block.

10.  Maintain focus, travel forward into a right side horse stance, execute a right overhead strike.

11.  Travel forward with the left into a cross stance, execute a right jab thrust.

12.  Travel forward into a right side horse stance, execute a thrust.

13.  Travel forward into a left forward stance, execute a left horizontal strike followed by a right reverse horizontal strike.

14.  Step forward with the right into a horse stance, execute a right down block.

15.  Focus left, turn 180 degrees by moving only the left leg into a horse stance, execute a left down block.

16.  With a sweeping, counter-clockwise motion, execute a left downward strike while shifting to a left elongated horse stance.

17.  Maintain focus forward and adjust stance back to a horse stance, execute a right down block.

18.  With a sweeping, clockwise motion, execute a right downward strike while shifting to a right elongated horse stance. KIAI


To return to the attention stance, bring left foot to right foot to the attention stance. Bow.


Chatanyara Bo

We have one more traditional Bo Kata that we use for competition. This is a very traditional Kata dating back some 300+ years. It was developed and named after a Martial Art’s pioneer, Chatan Yara of Okinawa who lived from 1668–1756. Although a few variations would occur throughout the years in both understanding and interpretation, here’s our version of Chatanyara No Kon Bo.

Ready stance

1.      Dynamic breathing – raise bo

2.      Step back left – right overhead strike /jab/ throw off

3.      Cross step – jab

4.      Step – jab

5.      Cross step jab

6.      Step back – thrust / throw off

7.      45° right – middle level block

8.      135° left – shuffle back left back stance middle uppercut

9.      Travel forward right front stance – overhead strike

10.  Step back right into left cat stance – press block (Left shoulder/outside leg)

11.  Travel forward – left forward stance – 5 strikes left lunge kiai

12.  Shuffle back – thrust / throw off (left fighting stance)

13.  Turn 180° right - Step back left into right cat stance – press block (right shoulder/outside leg)

14.  Travel forward – right forward stance – 5 strikes right lunge kiai

15.  Shuffle back – thrust / throw off (right fighting stance)

16.  Focus 90° left – reverse left grip – dynamic

17.  Travel forward – upward sweep right / foot check overhead strike

18.  Shuffle forward right back/fighting stance jab

19.  Shuffle forward right back/fighting stance jab – kiai

20.  Focus 180° left – left back/fighting stance – reverse thrust

21.  Travel forward to right forward stance – right overhead strike / reverse horizontal strike

22.  Turn 180° left into a right kneeling stance – double horizontal strike (Right/Left)

23.  Raise to a right hook stance – press block (right shoulder)

24.  Step forward right - right forward stance – 5 strikes right lunge kiai

25.  Focus 45° left – step back right into a left fighting/back stance – baseball bat grip

26.  Step back left into a horse stance / focus front – swing around head to front position

27.  Draw bo to a right natural grip – from chest, execute high block, then face level block, then middle block

28.  Focus 45° right, execute sweep combination

29.  Focus 90° left, execute sweep combination

30.  Turn 180° left to a forward stance, middle level block

31.  Turn with jump 180° left to a left forward stance, reverse middle level block / uppercut strike

32.  Maintain focus, travel forward to a right forward stance – overhead, 2 horizontal, lunge thrust kiai

33.  Shuffle back – large throw off

34.  Step back attention stance position. Bow


Agaru-Kuren  “Rising Sun Crane Kata”

In 2016, our Competition Team was given the task of developing a Kata for competition. It had to be made of traditional techniques from all of the Kata’s we knew. Every member chose their favorite Kata sequence and we were able to create this form. It took us several years to complete and make final, which shows how difficult of a process this can be. In fact, several of the members that originally started this Kata weren’t here to see the final result. It is a very strong and powerful Kata based on Shotokan movements. You will notice that many of the moves represent balance and being able to hold your balance on one leg, thus giving it the title, Rising Sun Crane.

Ready Position, Feet Together (Kiotsuke), Bow (Rei), Ready Position (Yoi)

  1. Maintain focus in the north direction, slightly pivot heels outward from the attention stance. Execute a low "Rising Sun" symbol at belt level. Begin to raise the hands to a level above the forehead. Maintain your focus straight forward until your hands cross in front of your focus. At that point, allow your focus to follow the Rising Sun symbol to its' endpoint. The endpoint is a low level War and Peace symbol at the Ki.

2.      Maintain focus, step backwards with the left into a right narrow front stance, draw the war and peace symbol up across the chest to a rising leg block.

3.      Maintain focus, travel forward with a right jump front kick into a right cross stance, execute a right hammer strike.

4.      Focus left, turn 180° into a left side horse stance, execute a left dynamic open hand backarm block.

5.      Maintain focus, pivot hips forward into a left narrow stance, brings to a rest position at hips.

6.      Maintain focus, travel forward into a right narrow front stance by executing a rear leg front kick.

7.      Maintain focus, pivot hips into a horse stance with a shoulder block motion, execute a left hook punch.

8.      Maintain focus, travel forward by crossing left leg behind right leg, then as right leg steps high into a side horse stance, focus 90° left, execute a left forearm block.

9.      Maintain focus and stance, execute double blocks, left down block/right forearm block.

10.  Focus 90° right, travel forward with left into a cross stance, execute a right rising doublefist block.

11.  Focus left, turn 180° by pivoting feet into an attention stance, execute double down blocks to the side.

12.  Focus 90° right, lower center, execute a left hook punch.

13.  Maintain focus, travel forward by crossing left leg behind right leg, then as right leg steps high into a right narrow front stance, execute double blocks, right forearm block/left down block.

14.  Maintain focus, travel forward with the left into a left forward stance, execute a left circular vertical hammer strike.

15.  Maintain focus, travel forward into a right front stance, execute a right front punch. KIAI

16.  Focus left, turn 360° to the left until the focus is back to the north direction (moving the right leg, then the left leg) - jump into a right back stance, execute a right swordhand block.

17.  Maintain focus, step halfway up with the left, then back with the right to an attention stance, execute a right hammer catch.

18.  Focus 90° left, execute a left front kick with a left backfist strike. Step back with the left into a right narrow front stance, execute a right spearhand strike.

19.   Turn 360 degrees to the left until the focus is back in the west direction (moving only the left leg) - enter a left side horse stance, lower the left open hand to the stomach while the open right hand reverses to the small of the back for preparation, execute a left back-knuckle strike followed by a left backfist.

20.  Focus 90° to the right, bring right leg to left to an attention stance, execute a left hammer strike.

21.  Focus 90° right, execute a right front kick with a right backfist strike. Step back with the right into a left narrow front stance, execute a left spearhand strike.

22.   Turn 360 degrees to the right until the focus is back in the east direction (moving only the right leg) - enter a right side horse stance, lower the right open hand to the stomach while the open left hand reverses to the small of the back for preparation, execute a right back-knuckle strike followed by a right backfist.

23.  Focus left, turn 270° into a left crane stance, execute a right augmented hammer strike.

24.  Maintain focus, travel forward into a right side horse stance, execute a right palm strike.

25.  Maintain focus, travel forward into a left cross stance, execute a left palm strike.

26.  Maintain focus, travel forward into a right side horse stance, execute a right palm strike.

27.  Focus left, turn 270° moving only the left leg into a left back stance, execute double blocks, left down block/right backarm block.

28.  Maintain focus, from a right knuckle catch position, travel forward with the right into an attention stance facing a 45° angle, execute a left rising doublefist block.

29.  Maintain focus, step backwards with the right into an elongated side horse stance, execute a left down block.

30.  Focus right, turn 180° moving only the right leg into a right back stance, execute double blocks, right down block/left backarm block.

31.  Maintain focus, from a left knuckle catch position, travel forward with the left into an attention stance facing a 45° angle, execute a right rising doublefist block.

32.  Maintain focus, step backwards with the left into an elongated side horse stance, execute a right down block.

33.  Focus left, turn 135°, moving only the left leg, into a left back stance, execute a left swordhand block.

34.  Focus right, turn 180°, moving only the right leg, into a right back stance, execute a right swordhand block.

35.  Focus left, turn 90°, moving only the left leg, into a left back stance, execute a left swordhand block.

36.  Focus right, turn 180°, moving only the right leg, into a right back stance, execute a right swordhand block.

37.  Focus left, moving only the left leg, turn 225° into a left front stance, execute a right swordhand strike.

38.  Maintain focus, draw left foot back to a right crane stance, execute double blocks, left down block/right backarm block.

39.  Maintain focus and crane stance, execute a left front snap kick followed by a left circular vertical hammer strike.

40.  Maintain focus, step forward left then right into a right front stance, execute a right front punch. KIAI

To return to a ready position, maintain focus, bring right foot back to left then to ready position. Feet together, bow, ready position.


Doku Yubi Nunchuku - "Poison Finger"

    1. From the attention stance position, with nunchukas in right hand, travel forward to a right forward stance, execute a right downward diagonal strike with a left side catch.

    2. Focus 90 degrees left, pivot to a left forward stance, execute a right guard.

    3. Travel forward to a right forward stance, execute a right downward diagonal strike with a left side catch.

    4. Maintain focus and stance, execute a left downward diagonal strike with a right front catch.

    5. Focus left, turn 180 degrees into a left forward stance, execute a left downward diagonal strike with a right front catch.

    6. Focus right, pivot to a right forward stance, execute a right downward diagonal strike with a left side catch.

    7. Maintain focus and stance, execute a left downward diagonal strike with a right front catch.

    8. Focus left, turn 180 degrees into a left forward stance, execute a left downward diagonal strike with a right front catch.

    9. Maintain focus, travel forward to a right forward stance, execute a right downward diagonal strike with a left side catch.

    10. Maintain focus, travel forward to a left forward stance, execute a left downward diagonal strike with a right side catch.

    11. Maintain focus and stance, rotate the nunchukas with the left hand behind the back to catch with right hand.

    12. Travel forward to a right forward stance, execute a execute a right downward diagonal strike with a left side catch. KIAI

*The ending for this kata can be of your own choosing. Here is a suggested end:

    Travel in reverse approximately 2 1/2 steps to an attention stance position while rotating figure 8's. Use a right under shoulder trap to reverse directions, followed by a behind the right shoulder trap to place both nunchuku in your right hand.


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