Coming December 16 - 20, 2024 

     Our MADMeet Competitions were a very popular part of our Dojo for many years. Since we ended them with a Championship victory by the Dragons, we have been creating different ways to substitute that event. As we realized that our students were growing and getting better every MADMeet season, it became apparent that we needed to channel that competitive energy and effort into our promotion testing.

     In order to hopefully make testing more substantial, powerful, meaningful and competitive, they will now become competitive with other members of their same rank, and the results of the system could have students passing other students in the ranking order during promotion testing.

  "RAQ" Week -Pronounced (Rock) Week - Monday, December 16 - Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Stands for:  Rank Advancement Qualifier Week
If you're able to conquer the RAQ, you will then be invited to:

     “The KIAI” - Friday, December 20, 2024 at Rising Sun

(Karate Inter-Rank Advancement Invitational)

During RAQ Week, all students will test with their material from previous ranks, not including their newest rank material. Each student will be scored accordingly in a system of three points.
3 points for extremely good. 
2 points for good. 
1 point for knowledgeable. 
0 points for bad or wrong technique.
They will also be scored in a separate category on effort.
3 points for great effort. 
2 points for medium effort. 
1 point for so-so effort. 
0 points for no effort.
These points will be carried into “The KIAI.”

“The KIAI” will consist of a competition within each belt rank.
Each competitor will have to reach a certain score in order to advance in rank. (Just like your previous promotion tests.)
The competitor with the highest score will then become the highest rank within that set and then known as the Rank Captain. The Rank Captain will always start the line when lining up for class.
In other words, students may now pass other students, unlike our current ranking system, within their group.
If a student does not receive enough points to pass their test, they will remain at the same level. However, any new student advancing to that rank, may possibly pass them, providing they have a higher score at that level.

*There are no additional charges for the "RAQ Week" or "The KIAI".

The standard testing fee will apply if you qualify for testing at "The KIAI."

The KIAI” will also have an added event for extra bonus points.
Each student will have the option to receive extra credit points through Kumite.
Points scored in Kumite could possibly be added to their promotion score. These points would only count towards their promotion test score, and whether or not they passed or failed the test. They would not be used to surpass another student in rank.


"RAQ" (Rank Advancement Qualifier) December 16, 2024 through December 18, 2024

*During "RAQ" Week, ALL classes will be Rank Advancement Qualifying testing. Please check your appropriate times for your rank.

*Only the students that have qualified to test through training points and attendance will be invited to participate in "The KIAI". You can check your promotion status on the "Rank Advancement" page. Participation, and passing your test during "The KIAI" is the only way to advance in rank. The standard testing fee will apply for this event.  "The KIAI" is scheduled for Friday, December 20, 2024 at North Zion.




     5:30 PM - SUPERKIDS

     6:15 PM - BLACK BELTS


     5:30-6:00 PM - ALL YELLOW BELTS

     5:30-6:30 PM - ALL ORANGE BELTS

     5:30-7:20 PM - ALL PURPLE BELTS

     5:30-7:40 PM - ALL GREEN BELTS

     5:30-8:00 PM - ALL BROWN BELTS   


     5:30-6:00 PM - ALL YELLOW BELTS

     5:30-6:30 PM - ALL ORANGE BELTS

     5:30-7:20 PM - ALL PURPLE BELTS

     5:30-7:40 PM - ALL GREEN BELTS

     5:30-8:00 PM - ALL BROWN BELTS 


    5:00 PM BROWN 3RD

    5:10 PM - BROWN 2ND

    5:20 PM - BROWN 1ST

    5:30 PM - BROWN BELT

    5:40 PM - GREEN 2ND

    5:50 PM - GREEN 1ST

    6:00 PM - GREEN BELT

    6:10 PM - PURPLE 2ND

    6:20 PM - PURPLE 1ST

    6:30 PM - PURPLE BELT

    6:40 PM - BLUE 2ND

    6:50 PM - BLUE 1ST

    7:00 PM - BLUE BELT

    7:10 PM - ORANGE 2ND

    7:20 PM - ORANGE 1ST

    7:30 PM - ORANGE BELT

    7:40 PM - YELLOW 2ND

    7:50 PM - YELLOW 1ST

    8:00 PM - YELLOW BELT

    8:10 PM - KUMITE (ALL RANKS)

    8:30 - 10:00 PM - CHRISTMAS PARTY



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