Rank Advancement Qualifying will now be handled within the class training times.

Each time you are in class, you will be judged on your performance, effort and overall skills within your material.

In every class, the students will be given an opportunity to display their techniques and to receive points towards their next rank advancement.

Here is a review of the Rank Advancement Policy:

Effective January 1, 2025, students will be advanced in Rank when:

I.     They have completed the required minimum "Time-in-Grade" of 17 weeks between rank advancements.

II.    They have earned the required minimum training points. Training points are earned by

            A.  Effort and discipline shown in class.

            B.  Effectively displaying their required rank advancement material on a consistent basis.

            C.  Time spent in class.

                        i.  Points are also determined by the length of class time and the students time spent in class.

                                Example: If a class is 2 hours long, students receive points based on that time.

                                                If a student arrives late, or leaves early, their points will be determined by the

                                                amount of time spent in class.

III.   Parents will be informed prior to the student's rank advancement so they may be present for the advancement.

IV.  The most important part of this new policy is for the student to NOT ASK WHEN THEY WILL BE PROMOTED!

V.   Concentrate on your training and you'll be fine.  "Damatte Kunren Suru"  (Shut up and Train)


Points towards Rank Advancement will be as follows:

1. A Minimum of 96 points will now be required between rank advancements.

2. The 96 points can be obtained in the following manner:

    A.    A student will receive 1 point per every hour they train. Training times will be adjusted if a student arrives late or leaves early during training.

    B.    A student can receive an additional point (2 total points) per every hour they train, provided they train train with focus, power, discipline and effort during that time.

    C.    A student can receive an additional point (3 total points) per every hour they train, if they are successfully able to demonstrate their rank advancement material covered in class.

3.    The point totals can be as follows: (Please be reminded that the points below will be adjusted if arriving late or leaving early.

    A.    For a class lasting 2 hours:

            *Maximum points available = 6

            * Minimum points available = 2

    B.    For a class lasting 1.5 hours:

            * Maximum points available = 4.5

            * Minimum points available = 1.5



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