Rank Advancement in the Martial Arts is very important. It is a reflection of your personal training and effort. It is not something to take lightly. All Karate-ka should have pride in the rank they wear. It was earned!
Rank advancement is NOT a right of passage. Rank advancement IS a result of your "Conviction to training" and your "Commitment to your Art."
Here is your rank advancement schedule. Our sessions are 16-weeks long and each session you have the ability to test for the next rank, whether it is a stripe or belt test. So there must be at least 16 weeks of training for each student before they become eligible to test.
Here are the requirements to become test eligible:
A student MUST be currently active in training to be eligible for the current testing period.
A student's tuition Must be up-to-date and current in order to receive a new rank and/or certificate.
Attendance and effort points must be earned through your "In-Class" training during the session.
* If a student takes off one month of training, they will not lose any training points.
* If a student takes off two consecutive months of training, they will lose up to 15 training points.
* If a students takes off three or more consecutive months of training, they will lose all training points
A complete knowledge of your rank advancement requirements must be displayed during training times. Please use the links below for your current rank to make sure you are proficient at all requirements.
Eligible students must be current members, which means tuition must be up-to-date before a student can advance in rank.
To review your training requirements, click on your current belt color:
A video link is attached to the requirements. Please note that the videos were made during the Covid pandemic and some statements made in the video are no longer applicable, but the requirement and instruction are valid.
Our Rank Advancement policy effective January 1, 2025 will change. Students will be advanced in Rank when:
I. They have completed the required minimum "Time-in-Grade" of 17 weeks between rank advancements.
II. They have earned the required minimum training points. Training points are earned by
A. Effort and discipline shown in class.
B. Effectively displaying their required rank advancement material on a consistent basis.
C. Time spent in class.
i. Points are also determined by the length of class time and the students time spent in class.
Example: If a class is 2 hours long, students receive points based on that time.
If a student arrives late, or leaves early, their points will be determined by the
amount of time spent in class.
III. Parents will be informed prior to the student's rank advancement so they may be present for the advancement.
IV. The most important part of this new policy is for the student to NOT ASK WHEN THEY WILL BE PROMOTED!
V. Concentrate on your training and you'll be fine. "Damatte Kunren Suru" (Shut up and Train)