"Sensei Says" is our weekly message board for upcoming events, class cancellations and general messages. Students and parents should check this page often for any announcements.

RisingSunMA.com is your key to "Unlimited Possibilities."

2025 Schedule Changes:

This Fall, we made a change to our Friday evening schedule to help us get ready for the Moon Madness Tournament. We didn’t realize what a positive impact it would have on our attendance and training. By giving us a 2-hour class, we were able to accomplish so much more in that session including more weapons and kumite practice. For our winter months during the Spring Session of 2025, we are going to continue with that schedule, but for ALL training nights. By giving us a class with more training time, this will enable our students to earn more training points. Especially if they cannot get here as often as they want. More training time, more promotion availability and, for the best part, same tuition prices. As we currently offer on Friday nights, if you are unable to come at the early time, come late and we will bow you in. And also, if you need to leave early, we’ll bow you out when you need to go. Your points will be determined by the time spent in class. Beginning Monday, January 6, 2025, we will offer this schedule for the next session:

Monday                    Tuesday                     Wednesday                  Thursday                    Friday

5:30-6:00 PM                5:45-7:45 PM                5:45-7:45 PM                6:00-7:00 PM                5:45-7:45 PM

SuperKids                    Karate (Ages 7-adult)     Karate (Ages 7-adult)            XX Fight-Back Club              Karate (Ages 7-adult)

6:30-8:00 PM                7:45-8:15 PM                7:45-8:15 PM                7:15-8:15 PM              7:45-8:15 PM           

Karate (Age 15+)            Black Belt Training           Black Belt Training             Dad-Bod Workout            Black Belt Training


2025 Rank Advancement Changes:

Beginning January 2025, we will return to our Rank Advancement format of testing when you are eligible. You will no longer have to wait 4 months for the next test. Students will be informed when they have earned the required points and have shown knowledge of their requirements, and a test will be scheduled in class. The most important part of this format is: DON’T ASK ME WHEN YOU ARE TESTING! Worry about training and what you know, and you’ll be fine. There will also be a reduced testing fee since we won’t have to rent a hall or schedule extra time. An e-mail will be sent to the parents in advance so they can attend the test.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Sensei Hosler



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