Karate Training Etiquette
This is OUR Dojo. OUR Place of Learning.
These rules are based on Martial Arts Traditional values and pertain to everyone that enters: students and spectators alike.
This is not a gym where a student comes to hangout or play. We are here to train. To build self-confidence, self-discipline and more. Please observe ALL of the etiquettes and traditions involved with the Martial Arts and with this Dojo.
Misbehaving, disrespect or unruliness may result in dismissal from the Dojo.
Parents, spectators and students waiting for their class should always remain quiet and respectful of the classes in progress.
When entering the Dojo Training Area:
Belts should not be worn outside of the Dojo. Always wait until you enter the Dojo before putting on your belt and always remove your belt and fold it properly before leaving the Dojo.
Always remove shoes and place on the appropriate shoe rack.
The bow should be done towards the training area and not with your back turned to that area.
The Dojo Training Area is reserved strictly for students and instructors. No Spectators are permitted past the entrance line.
Always be patient, courteous and humble. Anything else is never acceptable.
Approximately 10 minutes before the start of class, the Sensei will invite you to enter. As you enter the dojo training area, remember to use this time to prepare your mind for your Karate training; Mokuso. Mokuso is the meditation time before class that can be done from a traditional sitting position or seated position of stretching. Mokuso allows you to prepare your mind for class while eliminating all of the day's troubles, worries and negative thoughts while building focus and attention.
At the appropriate time, the Sensei will call for the class to line up. The students will then line up in a straight line across the rear of the Dojo Training Area with the highest rank on the right followed by the next highest rank, and so on. The lowest ranking student should be at the far left side of the line. After the initial Bow-In, students will then be instructed on what to do before lining up on the Dojo Training area Floor.
Lining up for class is like the initial bow in, with the highest ranking student in the front line at the right. This is where the more traditional bow-in will take place, usually with the reciting of the creeds and a Traditional bow.
If you arrive late for class, prepare yourself appropriately by removing your shoes, placing on your belt, then stand at the entrance of the Dojo Training Area and wait for the Sensei to bow you in to class. Never walk into the class without permission from the Sensei. There is usually a five push-up requirement to enter class late.
If you do not have all of the required equipment or uniform for your class, ask permission from the Sensei by saying; "Sensei, I forgot my uniform. May I still train?" Do not blame someone else for you not having the proper items.
When class is over, listen to ALL announcements and messages. Following the bow, students thank each other for training by following the high rank through the lines to shake hands with each student. Upon completion of this routine; students should continue to the Sensei for the final hand shake and Thank You. After that, students should quickly, and quietly, leave the Dojo Training Area, remembering to bow while facing the Dojo Training Area. Once again, students should remain quiet and respectful while putting on their shoes to leave.
Remember that Karate begins and ends with Respect, so when leaving the Dojo, carry all of your belongings with you. Do not let your parents or others carry your Martial Arts equipment. You train; you take care of your equipment.
This is OUR Dojo. OUR Place of Learning. So keep it, and all training equipment and mats neat, clean and in good order. The best rule to follow, as with anywhere else you may go, is to make a place as nice, or better, than it was when you arrived.
Karate Training Rules
As a student of the Martial Arts, you will learn many rules, regulations and etiquettes. The better you follow these rules, the better training you will receive and the better the entire class will become.
To help you understand how to act in class, here are a few guidelines to follow:
It's always your fault - Don't pass blame on anyone. If there is something you could have done to make the situation better, then accept the blame and realize you should have acted better.
Please remove all jewelry before entering class. We would hate to have you jewelry get broken during exercises and we don't want anyone else to get cut or injured by a ring, bracelet or other item worn in class.
Keep your uniform, and your person, clean and neat. Keep you toe nails and finger nails trimmed as to avoid cutting a partner during training.
Please throw all gum or candy in the garbage can before entering the training area.
Training in the Martial Arts is physically and mentally demanding, but FUN! We try to make our training as much fun as possible; however, SAFETY is always our biggest concern. At times there will be training drills that involve contact with other students. Any student that is not executing techniques with control and the safety of their partner is being jeopardized, will be asked to sit down. If they continue to show lack of control and respect, they will be dismissed from that class. Have fun, but be safe!
Always bow to a partner before, and after training such as self-defense or kumite.
All Black Belt instructors will be called Sensei. Sensei is a Japanese term for teacher. All of our Solid Black belts are called Sensei followed by their first name. (Ex: Sensei Ben). All 1st degree Black Belts and above are called Sensei followed by their last name. (Ex: Sensei Hosler). If you forget the Black belt's name, use the term Sir, or Ma'am, or just Sensei. As practice for class, start calling your mom and dad, Ma'am and Sir.
LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN Always listen to the instruction when being given. Follow this rule; Listen when the Sensei talks, Practice when the Sensei tells you.
Check your ego at the door. Everyone is here to learn and work together. Your training is not just about you, it's about everyone in class. Respect ALL that enter.
Class is done on "Sensei Time". Do not walk away or leave the dojo training area without permission from the Sensei.
If you have a question, raise your hand and wait to be called upon.
Every day, Every Class, Every drill is a test. Rank, like Respect, is Earned. Don't expect anything. Earn Everything!
Damatte Keiko
Uniform instructions:
1 Please wash your uniform in cold water with no bleach to keep the logo from changing colors.
2 Uniforms will always come very long. Students may cut and hem the pants with a large hem to be let down when needed. Rolling up the pant legs usually doesn't work well with all of the physical activity involved with the classes. Uniform tops should have the sleeves folded up to mid-forearm. Please do not cut and hem the sleeves. Pants should be hemmed above the ankles.
4 We will teach you in class how to tie your belts. As a review for practice;
a. Fold the belt in half and find the center with the two loose ends hanging down.
b. Place the center of your belt at your Ki (just below your belly button) and wrap the belt behind you, changing hands with the belt until your hands are at your hips.
c. Place the left side over your Ki, then the right side over that.
d. Tuck the right side up and under both levels of your belt that are covering your Ki.
e. Switch hands on the belt and pull to make the belt snug.
f. Cross the left side over the right side and bring the right side over and down through the loop.
g. Make sure the belt does not twist as you pull it tight.
When finished, the knot in the belt should form a triangle with the small corner facing the right. Remember, we'll help you in class.
Click here for a video on uniform and belt etiquette.
Always check "Sensei Says" on our website, RisingSunMA.com for up-to-date information, activities and more.